Hautpflege bei sensibler Haut
Hautpflege bei sensibler Haut

This is how skin care works for sensitive skin – this is what you should pay attention to

More and more people are suffering from irritant skin reactions. Itching, a feeling of tension and redness are alarm signals from this vulnerable skin. Help your skin repair its appearance and strengthen your immune system.


If you have sensitive skin, you should pay particular attention to appropriate care. Good daily basic care is important for stabilizing the skin barrier and moisturizing the skin. Here you will find out what you should pay attention to when caring for sensitive skin.

sensible Haut
trockene Haut

Daily basic care for sensitive skin


A good and consistent care routine is the basis for healthy skin if you have sensitivity. It aims to provide the skin with sufficient moisture, strengthen the natural skin barrier and prevent irritation. The right care is crucial to keep the skin calm and resilient. This is what basic care is all about:

Mild cleansing for sensitive skin


  • Use pH-neutral and soap-free cleaning products without perfume and without sulfates! Formulations that have been specifically developed for sensitive skin are ideal.
  • Avoid hot water! Lukewarm water is gentler on the skin and prevents it from drying out.
  • Be careful not to rub your skin hard when cleaning!


The Dr. RIMPLER Gentle Cleansing Gel is a gentle cleanser for sensitive skin that does not contain surfactants or perfume, making it ideal for sensitive skin. The oil-free gel cleanses without lathering and contains botanical extracts such as cornflower and Roman chamomile to soothe and moisturize the skin. It is also suitable for gently removing eye make-up and protects the skin barrier without irritating it.

Hautpflege der sensiblen Haut

Moisturizing care for sensitive skin


Sensitive skin needs regular moisture and soothing care. Especially after cleansing, it is important to supply the skin with moisture and protective lipids within a few minutes. You should apply moisturizer at least twice a day to strengthen the skin barrier. If you have severe itching or intense dryness, we recommend using it even more frequently to soothe the skin and keep it supple.

Protection against possible irritation


In cold weather or strong winds, apply a protective cream to prevent the skin from drying out. Special barrier creams help protect sensitive skin from environmental influences such as pollen, dust or chemical irritants. Also choose soft, breathable clothing to avoid skin irritation and keep your skin feeling comfortable.

These products are suitable for the care of sensitive skin

Two valuable products from our shop are particularly suitable for your basic care for dry skin, itching and sensitive skin:


The light yet intensively nourishing emulsion “SENSITIVE Hydro Care” intensively nourishes your skin, moisturizes it and offers protection against irritations and allergic reactions. It is free of fragrances and dyes so as not to irritate sensitive skin. Natural, liposomally encapsulated moisturizing factors ensure intensive moisture penetration. Vitamin E supports a healthy skin barrier and the emulsion's purely plant-based active ingredient combination nourishes the skin holistically.

SENSITIVE Cream Nanosensitive Forte

The special care “SENSITIVE Cream Nanosensitive Forte” can have a big impact on acute inflammatory skin conditions. It relieves the discomfort of burning and itching skin and contains various plant extracts with anti-inflammatory and strengthening ingredients. An innovative algae extract and antibacterial microsilver create a soothing, nourishing and protective film on the skin, supporting wound healing and relieving itching.



Die leichte und dennoch intensiv pflegende Emulsion „SENSITIVE Hydro Care“ pflegt Deine Haut intensiv, schenkt ihr Feuchtigkeit und bietet Schutz vor Irritationen und allergischen Reaktionen. Sie ist frei von Duft- und Farbstoffen, um die empfindliche Haut nicht zu reizen. Natürliche, liposomal verkapselte Feuchthaltefaktoren sorgen für eine intensive Durchfeuchtung. Vitamin E unterstützt eine gesunde Hautbarriere und die rein pflanzliche Wirkstoffkombination der Emulsion versorgt die Haut ganzheitlich.



SENSITIVE Cream Nanosensitive Forte

Bei akuten entzündlichen Hautzuständen kann die Spezialpflege „SENSITIVE Cream Nanosensitive Forte“ viel bewirken. Sie lindert die Beschwerden bei brennender und juckender Haut und enthält verschiedene Pflanzenextrakte mit entzündungshemmenden und stärkenden Inhaltsstoffen. Ein innovativer Algenextrakt und antibakterielles Mikrosilber legen einen beruhigenden, pflegenden und schützenden Film auf die Haut, unterstützen die Wundheilung und lindern Juckreiz.
